Our facilities are equipped with cutting-edge equipment for maximum efficiency. Our factory staff are trained in global quality metrics to ensure they implement the best researched processes and maintain demanding standards of efficiency and hygiene.
Our three-world class facilities are located in Northern India, in close proximity to our Indian headquarters so our team can keep a close watch over the process. In the state of Punjab, we have a bags and accessories factory in Jalandhar and an apparels factory in Ludhiana. Our leather products factory is in Manesar, Rajasthan.
We’ve strategically selected states that can accommodate our vast, sprawling factories. Basing ourselves in the world’s fastest growing economy gives us great regulatory benefits and control over costs, which is the rocket fuel we need to consistently expand our massive factories to produce on a larger and larger scale.
We take complete responsibility for quality compliance, testing certification procurement and customs formalities. Our experienced logistics team will handle this, supported by our group company: Orchid Global Shipping.