Case Study

A Modular Helmet with Integrated Air Purification System

A Modular Helmet with Integrated Air Purification System for an Award-Winning Auto Accessory Start Up

A Modular Helmet with Integrated Air Purification System


Automotive Accessory / Wearable


India has one of the worst air qualities in the world. This sad reality hits with a double whammy of particulate matter and vehicular emission causing a grave risk to health of bike riders experiencing prolonged exposures.


We designed an Anti-Pollution Helmet which was a specially designed helmet with Air Purification System providing a HEPA filter, coupled with a high performance, small form factor blower fan, and electronic circuit powered by a Lithium-Ion Battery.


• First Clean Air Helmet for Commuters (99% Efficiency on PM 2.5)
• Reduces Visor fogging & feeling of suffocation
• Reduces Pollution Exposure by > 80% as per tests by NABL Cert Lab
• Easy and cost-effective filter replacement
• Patented Clean Air Design
• LiON battery with Micro-B Type (Android type) charging port
• Optional Bluetooth Communicator, Carry Bag, Filter Cartridges

Certifications / Publications:

• BIS Certified under IS:4151 for 2-wheeler safety helmet standards
• Patented at the Indian Patent Office


End to End Development including Product Design (incl. all plastic and rubber parts), Electronics, Sourcing, DFM, Tooling and Pilot Batch Manufacturing.
